Monday, June 30, 2008

My recent travels..

One of the things I enjoy doing while I'm out on vacation is take some pictures of the area. Here are some of the more memorable places I've been recently.

Picture locations include St. Louis Obispo, Houston, Timber Lake, and the Badlands near Rapid City.

New Blog!

Well, I have decided to give this blogging thing a try, mostly because I would like to have a space to post my painting and modeling works, so that I might be able to share with others without them having to see the model up close. Because this is a test post, I have uploaded a couple of pics that I just happened to have lying on my computer. Nothing too special, just a comparison between two dreadnoughts that I have painted, one of them, the normal dread with lascannon/fist combo I did four years ago, the other, the venerable dreadnought I just did last year. I hope to be able to post my more recent projects and hopefully cover some the Warhammer 40k related events that I go to.

Dreadnought Backs

Dreadnought fronts

Pelonious Front

Venerable Dread.